
Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Pictures with Santa

First of all, I'm sorry there are no pictures to post today! The whole morning was an experience.

Yesterday, we took it easy. We enjoyed the rain, watched movies, ate a McDonald's picnic, took naps, and played. I thought it would be good to have a down day before picture day. Marshall was out of town, so I called my momma to see if she could come stay with me. THANKFULLY, she did!

Today, I had it all planned (that was my first mistake.) Momma and I ran some errands around the square, ordered our lunch, and walked to the school to pick up the kids 30 minutes early. It was so cold and the wind was making it worse.

Charlie was standing at the door with his book bag and coat on ready to go outside to play. He was also the "leader." He told Gaga that he was not leaving, gently pushed her back, and closed the door. I had to carry him out kicking and screaming (literally.) He cried all of the way down the street back to the square. Hank fell and he was crying too. Gaga spotted an injured baby bird, and Charlie calmed down to assess the situation. I convinced him to go inside and eat, and when he finished eating, we could bring the bird some bread. He ate his lunch and was not interested in dessert. Hank, however, enjoyed his cheesecake! Gaga smiled and asked me, "are you cold now?" I quickly said, "No!"

Charlie and Hank went and left the bird some bread. We told them the bird was scared. So we went across the street to get pictures made and told Charlie we would check back on the bird when we were finished. On the way across the street, they spotted Santa going to the Sandwich Shoppe to grab lunch.

We went in and changed Charlie and Hank's clothes. While we were getting Charlie and Hank ready, Santa came up the stairs! They were so excited. The picture taking process went great! Hank LOVED Santa. Charlie was a little more reluctant, but he sat on his lap and talked to him. Charlie told Santa that he wanted bunk beds. Santa asked, "Won't you fall?" Charlie said, "No, there are going to be walls built around it."

We all sat together and chose our pictures. Hank kept asking to go back to see Santa. I've never really heard children to go back and see Santa. Usually, it is a Christmas obligation to go see Santa to get the gifts on their lists. Hank really surprised me. I can't wait to share the sweet pictures with you.

We did check on the bird. He was still there. Charlie was convinced he ate the bread. He wanted to take him home, but Gaga told him that the bird was wild and we couldn't touch it. He was very concerned about the bird and wanted me to call someone to help the bird.

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