
Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Lightning McQueen Took a Spin

Lightning McQueen took an unexpected spin this afternoon. Charlie had to go sit on the potty. He usually reads books, but today, he took his Lightning McQueen. I noticed he had it in his hand but didn't think twice about it. I handed him books and went to check on Hank. He started screaming that Lightning McQueen was gone. I went to check on him, and it was definitely out of sight. There was NO way I was going to perform a search and rescue mission. I called Pappy. He told me that it would probably flush. It did. Thankfully it did not mess up the plumbing. Good thing we have three more, but Charlie still says that he needs another one. (You can never have too many cars and trains!)

Monday, January 25, 2010

An Appreciation for the Little Things

Today we received a box from Aunt Darlene and Dan. We were so surprised. Charlie is usually trying to open the box and unpack it with tunnel vision. Today, he stopped when he saw bubble wrap. He didn't care about anything else in the box. With lots of excitement, he said, "Who sent us bubble wrap? That was nice." He spread it all out on the floor, and he and Hank jumped, laughed, and popped! Thanks for the entertainment.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Help SMA research win $1 Million by Simply Voting

I copied this off of Ashley's blog, so I wouldn't mess it up. Please help by voting!!!!!!!!

This is IT! Final round voting for the Chase Community Giving campaign on Facebook IS LIVEand runs through January 22. Below are simple instructions on how you can vote for the Gwendolyn Strong Foundation to help make a $1M MIRACLE an SMA reality.

Please dig deep, be shameless, and go the extra mile to bring this home for all of those impacted by this cruel disease. We can't do this alone, but together we can make this happen!


VOTING - simple instructions on how to VOTE!
  • Go to -- This will take you to the Gwendolyn Strong Foundation Chase campaign site on Facebook. This is where you vote. Click on the "Vote For Charity" button to vote.
  • You must have a Facebook account to vote. If you don't have a Facebook account you can easily sign up for one by going to and following the simple Facebook signup instructions.
  • You may only vote for Gwendolyn Strong Foundation once, but GO NUTS! telling anyone and everyone you know to go to to vote for the Gwendolyn Strong Foundation.
EMAIL - copy and paste the text below into an email and send it to everyone you know (You can write your own more personal letter -- we just wanted to help make it easy)

Dear Friends:

This is a personal plea! A cause that is very important to me has a real opportunity to win $1M to help CURE Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA), the #1 genetic killer of young children. I'm asking you to do two FREE things that will take you less than a minute and will help turn this $1M MIRACLE into a reality:

(1) VOTE ---> Go to and take 20 seconds to vote for the Gwendolyn Strong Foundation in the Chase Community Giving campaign on Facebook.

(2) FORWARD THIS EMAIL ---> Forward this email to at least 20 personal contacts and ask that they do the same.

Thank you so much for your support. We can't do it alone but together we will help CURE SMA forever!

FACEBOOK STATUS UPDATES - simple instructions on how to spread the word on Facebook
  • Do this every day during the final round of voting from Jan. 15-22.
  • Go to -- this will take you to the Gwendolyn Strong Foundation Chase campaign site on Facebook.
  • In the box titled "Help This Charity By Spreading The Word" on the left hand side of the Gwendolyn Strong Foundation Chase campaign page, CLICK the "Add To Profile" button.
  • A new box will pop open.
  • Add a personal comment if you wish in the white rectangular box.
  • CLICK "Publish".
INVITE YOUR FACEBOOK FRIENDS - simple instructions to make a personal plea to invite your Facebook "friends" to vote for the Gwendolyn Strong Foundation
  • Go to -- this will take you to the Gwendolyn Strong Foundation Chase campaign site on Facebook.
  • In the box titled "Help This Charity By Spreading The Word" on the left hand side of the Gwendolyn Strong Foundation Chase campaign page, CLICK the "Invite A Friend" button.
  • A new box will pop open.
  • Check the boxes next to the "friends" you want to invite.
  • CLICK "Send Charity Voting Invitation".
TWITTER - if you have a Twitter account, simple instructions are below to tweet messages to your Twitter followers (you may be asked to login to Twitter after clicking one of the HERE links below)
  • Click HERE to tweet the following ---> I voted for @GSFoundation to make a $1M MIRACLE a reality and cure a disease.
  • Click HERE to tweet the following ---> My child is dying of SMA and 20 seconds of your time WILL help CURE it.
  • Click HERE to tweet the following ---> YOU can help CURE the leading genetic KILLER of young CHILDREN, SMA. Be part of a MIRACLE.
  • Click HERE to tweet the following ---> What would you do with $1M? I'm helping CURE a disease. Forever. Be part of the MIRACLE.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Time Out

Charlie had to sit in time out because he couldn't get his self control. Marshall found Hank keeping him company.
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Thursday, January 7, 2010

LasVegas Airport

These are the last of our LasVegas pictures. We came home on December 30th, and I really think Charlie and Hank enjoyed the Las Vegas airport as much as the trip itself.

Hank pulled his own suitcase too
- sometimes not so helpful

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Monday, January 4, 2010

Laurel & Brayden's Wedding


To see more pictures go to Laurel's flickr page.

Johnny Rockets

Charlie wore his hat all day long. He even put his hat on top of his perfectly styled curls after I dressed him for the wedding.

Hank had so much fun that he fell asleep after Johnny Rockets. They rode the gondolas in the Venetian next, but Hank slept through it in Marshall's arms.

Things we liked about Vegas: (the list is in no particular order)
*Watching "Jersey Boys"
*Charlie recommends the monorail
*the remote controlled drapes in our room
*the incredible view and HUGE picture window in our room
*Charlie and Hank highly recommend the TV in the bathroom where they enjoyed "Curious George" while they took bubble baths.
*the volcano eruption at the Mirage
*Brayden's family was really kind and genuine
*hanging out in the limo with the wedding couple - Cheers!

Things we are not so fond of in Vegas:
*the 3 hour time change (Hank was up every morning by 5)
*cost of food was quite expensive
*going through security with toddlers

Friday, January 1, 2010

Watch Out LasVegas. We have arrived!

Hank enjoyed the landscaping at Caesars Palace.

On Monday, we walked a long, long, long, long way

Charlie's favorite part of the trip was the monorail. He rode it all morning long with Marshall while we got dressed, and he got to ride it back to our hotel. We all rode with him at the end of the day. Our feet were tired. I don't think Gaga could've walked another step. Her feet HURT.

Well, we almost made it bak to the hotel. Charlie, Hank, Brittany, Marshall, and I stopped at the Mirage to watch the volcano erupt. Charlie loved it. "It had smoke and fire. It was AMAZING!" Hank was more interested in the lights around him.

Watching "Curious George" while they take a bubble bath. Living the life!

The beautiful glass display at the Bellagio.

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We're Flying!!!

On Saturday, as we are picking up the house and packing, Charlie was just precious.
Charlie: Mommy are you going to Laurel's wedding?
Me: Yes, Charlie. I'm going and daddy and Hank and Gaga and Pappy and Brittany are all going to the wedding.
Charlie: Ummm . . . Is Brayden going to be at Laurel's wedding?
Me: Yes, Charlie, Brayden is going to be at the wedding. Laurel and Brayden are getting married.

Riding the tram in the airport after we have finally made it through check-in, security, bathroom break, security again for Marshall and Charlie (after they got out of the line to go to the restroom.), and a brief check of Marshall's bag. I almost forgot, a Hank meltdown when his blanket had to go through X-Ray. We survived with the help of Gaga, Pappy, and Brittany!

Hold on Hank!

Time for take-off!

About two hours into the four hour flight,
Charlie: Ok, I'm ready to go outside now.
Me: Charlie, I thought you wanted to go fly on a plane?
Charlie: I just wanted to go on a little one. Let's go outside now.

We made it with only minor disturbances. Hank finally fell asleep 20 minutes before landing. Although he was relatively good for the flight, I'm sure everyone was thinking, "The baby couldn't have gone to sleep four hours ago?" Oh, well!
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