
Friday, February 26, 2010

School at Home

Charlie is working really hard to spell his name.
He leaves out the C and A when he spells.
Today we made CHArlie's CHAin.
It had 11 loops.

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Charlie also had to make a dinosaur tail.
He made Hank one too, but Hank wouldn't cooperate for a picture.

Charlie also wanted to do music time. He brought me my camera, so I could video him. He loves to watch himself on the computer.


We're going to the circus!

Somehow Charlie ended up with all the "loot."
He has a hat Kensington gave him that
came with the cotton candy,
Hank's toy, and his elephant.

We had a lot of fun. Hank even took a little cat nap during the circus.

Monday, February 15, 2010

A Cold Treat!

What a real treat the snow was this past weekend! It was the good kind of snow that we are not use to seeing in Georgia. IF we get snow in Georgia, it is usually wet and slushy or icy. We all enjoyed playing in the snow. Marshall was out of town, so we enjoyed the snow in Jonesboro.

Homemade waterproof shoes were a hit! Hank would not put anything on his hands. He would play in the snow and cry. I'd wipe his hands off, and he play and cry. We kept repeating until he finally went inside saying, "hand cold, hand cold."

Charlie wanted waterproof mittens to go with his waterproof shoes. He made snowballs and stomped in the snow. He ran around outside yelling, "Happy New Year!"

Charlie was determined to make a snowman. By the time Pappy returned home with Granny, the snow had started to melt, but not before Charlie had Pappy take him and Hank to buy REAL waterproof boots and build a snowman. Pappy taught Charlie how to roll giant snowballs. Charlie and Pappy made Granny two snowmen outside of her bedroom window as a welcome home present.

Charlie was so excited about the snow that he kept saying, "It's winter. Happy New Year! Merry Christmas! Let's get presents." He came into drink hot cocoa. He and Pappy went out again Saturday evening to shovel sidewalks at the church. Charlie slept like a rock.

The snow was gone much too soon!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Hit Again by a Stomach Bug

Unfortunately, we have been hit again by a stomach bug. Charlie has been battling it since Saturday evening, me since Sunday, and now, Kensington is sick too.

Charlie started to feel better yesterday. He wanted Zaxby's for supper. I tried to offer him everything in the house, but no, it had to be Zaxby's. At 5:00 last night, we went through the drive thru at Zaxby's in my pajamas (didn't really look like pajamas.) Charlie feel asleep in the less than 5 short minutes it took to get home and slept til 9:00 last night.

This morning he woke up happy and ready to go to school. I got him completely ready, and he said, "Mommy, can you please not wear your jammies to school?" I laughed and told him that I would put on a pair of jeans. He told me that would be good.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Hodges Chip Manross

Yesterday, our family's beautiful almost 15 month old baby (my brother and sister in law's baby) went to be with Jesus. Hodges has been such a gift to our family. He was full of his own opinions, determination, joy, and spunkiness. It is so hard to know what to say about Hodges because words cannot describe him or the love I feel for him. We are so blessed to have loved Hodges. Thank you God for the gift of Hodges.

The information below was taken from Ashley's blog Living to Die.

We are going to have a service for him this Saturday, February 6, 2010 at 4pm at First Baptist Jonesboro. We are not having a formal visitation but we will be there a little before the service, and we will stay after to visit with everyone. We are also asking that in lieu of flowers donations be made to:

SMA Kids Fund
c/o Kathryn J. Swoboda, MD
Pediatric Motor Disorders Research Program
University of Utah School of Medicine
30 North 1900 East
SLC, UT 84132-2305 USA

SMA has forever changed our lives, and there is nothing more that we want than for a cure to be found! Thank you so much to everyone for your continued love and support! We have literally been awed by the outpouring of thoughtfulness and concern, and we will forever be grateful!