
Thursday, January 31, 2013

100th Day of School

We were very busy this past weekend getting ready to celebrate the 100th day of school. Hank had to put 100 of anything on paper, and Charlie had to put 100 of anything on a T-shirt. We talked about lots of ideas and looked on the Internet. We found plenty of great ideas. Charlie had such a great time. At first, he wasn't interested, so we talked about it a lot to get his creative juices flowing. We discussed a gumball machine, birthday cake, piggy bank, and MANY more. Charlie decided on a tree. Once he decided, the project was all his. . He had a vision. I cut out 99 leaves. Charlie cut out one πŸ˜„. I operated the hot glue gun, but Charlie was in charge of all painting and where the glue dots should go. I wanted to put a tire swing on it, but Charlie vetoed my ides. "I just want a plain tree!"

Hank had a great time too! He was conflicted between pennies and stickers. Once he saw the pennies, he glued and glued. I thought we were going to have a pig with 100 stickers on it (which would have been adorable!).

Their Gaga suggested that we count 10 piles of 10. We did, and then we counted them by 10s. Everyone had fun, and no one felt like it was work.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Fun Days

Here is a post that I forgot to publish, but it's still just a sample of my day. This is why my hair never looks "done." I always thought that I would never forget anything, I'd always be on time, and I would have it "together." Now, I just celebrate the little victories. Like the doctor's office accepted a picture of my insurance card instead of the real thing. I threw the card away in the pharmacy bag. Why the card was returned to me in the bag, I do not know. Thank goodness for my iphone.

** Last Week **
I remember when I used to get up in the morning and think I had a lot to do. I worked full time teaching middle school. Getting everything done in a day was exhausting and rewarding. Teaching is hard work. I had no idea what exhausting and rewarding really were until now. It is totally like I have been in an endurance training boot camp just preparing for this phase of my life. Yesterday, was really a day to smile about, and I could easily complain about it's challenges, but now that I survived the day, I'm just going to smile because it was a good day.

Yesterday, was our first mommy and me Musikgarten class. First, we get there and I realize that we are one shoe short. Murphy Mae LOVES to take her shoes off and throw them. I knew the missing shoe had to be in the Publix parking lot or the garage. (Thankfully, I found it in the garage. ) I didn't think about the challenges of doing a mommy and me class with TWINS. I don't know why it didn't occur to me. The teacher of the class and I took turns with them. At the end, I'm walking around the room in circles singing All Around the Mulberry Bush carrying both of them It was a morning workout for me! I love multitasking!!!! πŸ˜„The girls loved it. Murphy Mae sat in the middle of the circle for most of the class just taking it all in and watching everything.

After we picked Charlie and Hank up from school, we were headed to take Murphy Mae to the doctor. She has an ear infection that won't go away!!!! The only way we know she's in pain is because she screams at night. On the way, I told Hank and Charlie that if they would like they could start taking violin lessons. Charlie was thrilled. Hank started crying because he wants keyboard lessons. (Hank loves the Fresh Beat Band. He wanted to get me a pink dress and pink guitar for Christmas. He finally agreed to a pink purse. Marshall got a guitar. ). I told him that he had to wait til he was six. We are all walking in the doctor's office, and Hank was crying loudly "I want to play the keyboard Not the violin. The violin does not look cool!" Finally he calms down. When the doctor walks in Winifred starts screaming. The doctor takes Murphy Mae and says "I've got her. You get Winifred. " Murphy Mae had to get a shot. As we walk out of the room, the staff is all gathered watching Winifred red in the face and tears streaming down her face. They are all feeling terrible for her until the nurse says, "She's not the one that got a shot. Murphy Mae just whimpered a little." Everyone laughed except Winifred

At the end of the day, it was all good. Murphy Mae slept through the night, we had dinner (not take out).

Monday, January 14, 2013

The Case of the Broken Hanger

Tonight, Marshall and I are sitting on the floor putting pajamas on the babies. Hank walks up to me holding a broken plastic hanger. (Keep in mind that a broken plastic hanger is not a big deal. Hank made it a big deal.))

Hank: Charlie broke this. Charlie broke this Charlie broke this.

Me: Hank, go put it in the trash. Charlie how did the hanger get broken? Were you trying to be a ninja or power ranger?

Charlie is just looking at me in quiet silence. I was waiting for the whole story.

Charlie: I didn't do it. Hank is just trying to get me in trouble.

Me: Just tell the truth.

Charlie: I didn't do it. Hank is just trying to get me in trouble

Here comes Hank.

Me: Hank, how did the hanger get broken?

Hank: Charlie did it.

Me: Charlie said you did it.

Hank: (still walking and never hesitating) Oh, sorry.

Marshall and I look at each other trying not to laugh while telling Hank that it's important to tell the truth.