
Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Speaking Plainly

Hank is really starting to speak very clearly. He has a lot to say, and there is no hesitation in the conversation. He does not search for words. The words just flow.

Yesterday, he was getting a treat for going potty. He was suppose to give Charlie one too. The first time he did. The second time, this is what I heard.

Me: Hank, give Charlie one.

Charlie: AHHHHH, he didn't give me one. He ate both of them.

Hank: You not go potty. You have to potty.

Today, everyone was playing and tattling, playing and tattling, playing and tattling. We were also getting ready to leave the house, so I was tuning out as much tattling as possible. Until . . .

Hank runs up to me and says: Char-ee, basketball, gone

Me: (I'm trying to ignore him. Hoping they will work it out on their own.)

Hank just continues to say it over and over: Char-ee, basketball, gone

Me: Charlie where is the basketball?

Charlie: Oh, it's behind the red chair.

I go look. He has taken the cover off of the heating and air conditioning vent and put the ball down it.

Me: Charlie, why did you do that?

(Never got a straight answer. It's time to go.)

Me: Just get in the car.

Hank: (In his car seat) Char-ee not go to time out, Char-ee not go to time out, Char-ee not go to time out

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Pledge Allegiance to the Flag

Look What We Can Do!

A RED chair

On Saturday the weather was beautiful! You couldn't even tell that we had snow three weeks earlier. It felt like spring in January (not unusual in Georgia.) Marshall was going to do some painting and odd jobs. As soon as Charlie heard the word paint, nothing would do until he got to paint too. He did not want to paint on paper and an easel. Oh no, he wanted REAL paint. We let him and Hank paint a chair from a consignment sale. They are so proud of their chair.

When Marshall brought it in that evening, Hank kept saying, "I paink chair. It red!" As we were leaving for church Sunday morning, Charlie said, "Hey, even the drips are dry."

Marshall tried to help them smooth out the paint, but they wouldn't let him near the chair.

Pajama Day

Last Wednesday, was pajama day for Charlie's pre-k class. Hank had to wear his too!

A blurry picture, but it is hard to get Superman to stand still!