
Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Charlie has been watching Alvin and the Chipmunks a little too much. Today, he was happy as could be and being so sweet. He smiled at me and said, "Kiss my cheeks." Then, he giggled.

Me: Charlie, don't say that anymore. It's not nice.

Charlie: Why mommy? I'm just talking about my cheeks. (pointing to his teeth.)

Me: No, Charlie, your cheeks are right here. (show him his sweet little cheeks.)

Charlie: Well, why isn't it nice?

Me: Because it was talking about your bottom cheeks.

Charlie: Kiss my top cheeks. Giggles!

I think the movie will disappear for a little while.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Charlie's Class Trip to the Pumpkin Patch

This was no ordinary trip to the pumpkin patch at Moore Acres. It was so much fun!!! They started out their visit with a story. I cannot remember the name of the book, but it was about a city mouse and a country mouse that grow an enormous prize winning pumpkin. The kids loved it.

Terry Lee, Charlie, Mason, Hank, and Matthew

Then they planted their own pumpkin seeds. Charlie was less than thrilled to stick his finger in the soil to make a hole. Look at that face, too funny!

Charlie and Carter

Waiting to do the zip line.

The zip line was a HUGE hit!

The animal train was fun too! Charlie kept yelling, "Look at me. I'm on the chicken."

The petting zoo.

The tire swing was just one of the many things to play on and with at Moore Acres. They had a swing set, a playhouse that was painted in chalk board paint on the inside, petal tractors, and more. I cannot forget the nice long hay ride!


This past Saturday, we enjoyed a wonderful afternoon at the Georgia game. We all wore our Red and Black and cheered for the DAWGS!!! Charlie and Hank were so excited. They enjoyed watching football, eating cotton candy and popcorn, watching the planes in the sky, the band, walking through a tunnel and by train tracks to get to the game, and much more.

The funny thing was that Uncle Rich, Aunt Ashley, and Kensington went to the Tech game, and then, we all met for dinner. We couldn't have planned all of that if we tried. Check out Ashley's pictures from the Tech game on the Manross Family blog.

As soon as we sat down, the announcer said, "Timeout, Georgia." Charlie said, "How do they get out of time out? What do they do in time out?"

Hank needed a little rest. After half time, it just happened to be Hank's nap time. He was too excited to sleep. He didn't go to sleep for over an hour after we left.

Charlie and I have been teaching Hank to cheer for the Dawgs. Unfortunately, Hank likes to cheer for the Dawgs at six o'clock in the morning. Watch the little video for a peek of what we hear at six a.m. You can't hear him, but he's got the moves down.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Class Trip to the Airport

Charlie's class has been going on lots of field trips this month. They have had so much fun visiting Pioneer Machinery, the local newspaper, the airport, and a group of elderly who put together fall games and snacks for them. I love to go with Charlie, but the feeling is not always mutual. One reason I like being a stay at home mom is so that I can be available to participate in activities with Charlie and Hank. But lately, Charlie is Mr. Independent! I went on one field trip, and he wouldn't give me the time of day. I think he was worried that he would have to ride home with me and not on the bus. He LOVES the bus. Marshall went on the airport field trip and had the same experience. No need for daddy on a field trip either. The next time Charlie's class went on a field trip to visit a group of elderly, I asked him if I could go. He told me I could and that I could help him and his friends. So I went. After awhile of talking to Charlie and his friends, he told me to go check on some of the other kids. He is so sweet, but growing up too fast.

Charlie's favorite part of going on field trips is riding the bus.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Enjoying the Weather

Picking Apples

Several weeks ago, we woke up to a free Saturday (very rare.) We started talking about some fun things to do. A friend had mentioned that she read about Mercier Orchards. We looked on-line and called. It was inexpensive, outside, and open til six. We were getting a late start. We hurried to get dressed and rode to Blue Ridge, GA. We had such a great afternoon. We enjoyed picking apples, riding the tractors, eating the yummy treats, and being together. Hank's favorites were the tractor and the homemade applesauce. Charlie enjoyed picking the apples and sampling the different varieties. His favorites were the Rome Beauties and Pink Lady.

Hank found the closest thing to candy, a candy apple. This was no ordinary candy apple. It was covered in a grape lollipop.

A busy day

After school on Friday, Hank wasn't interested in lunch. He just wanted to play trains. While he was playing, he fell asleep!