
Monday, December 6, 2010


Yesterday, a group of us went to see the Living Christmas Tree. We took Kensington, Charlie, and Hank too. They loved it!
When it came time for the offering, I gave Charlie and Kensington a dollar to put in the offering plate. As the offering plate comes down our row, I pass it to Charlie. I help him put his dollar in and try to pass it on, but he wouldn't let go. I firmly but carefully make him pass it down. I tried to make sure that we didn't dump the money. The offering plate went to Gaga and Kensington next. Gaga said that Kensington's eyes got really big, and she said, "What are they going to give us?" Gaga tried to explain that the offering was going to do something good for other people, but Ashley and Brittany were sitting behind them laughing.
The lights go dim again, and I whisper to Charlie, "Why were you holding on to the offering plate? Why didn't you pass it down?" Charlie replied, "I was just trying to get some money to buy something with."

1 comment:

  1. LOOOOOVE IT! Must be in his genes. We used to call his daddy, "The Banker" because he could hold on to a dollar so tight!
