
Monday, June 8, 2009

God will guide me. I will follow.

Star Gazing

Tonight at VBS we learned about how the wise men used a bright star to guide them to baby Jesus. We decorated giant stars with stickers, painted stars with glitter glue, and put water and paper clips in glass jars. We used magnets to make the paperclips follow.

We went to recreation too. Ms. Haley tried to get us to do sack races, but we didn't like that. We tried to just run relay races, but we all kept running at the same time. We tried to play duck, duck, goose, but nobody would sit back down after they were named goose. Everybody just kept running. 

We loved music. Mrs. Shay and Mr. Darren taught us some motions to our songs that we are learning, and we got to play with musical instruments. We even had a parade.

1 comment:

  1. I love how they are all wearing yellow! Did you do that on purpose?
