
Monday, May 24, 2010

Busy Weekend

Marshall and I thought that we would enjoy a nice down weekend. Hank was getting over being sick, so we were just going to take it easy. Charlie had other plans. Charlie kept us so BUSY! It rained Saturday, so we spent the day inside. Charlie made Mitzi a bed with an old box. He decorated it too! He was so upset that she would not go in the box. I helped him cut the top off of the box. She still would not go in her new bed. So Charlie and I found an old pillow, 2 pillow cases (one for the pillow and one for a blanket), and a toy. Finally, Mitzi approved and went in her new bed. Charlie moved Mitzi's bed all over the house by her bowls, by his bed, and on his bed.

Mitzi give Hank a kiss.
Charlie will not put his hand anywhere near Mitzi's face.

We took pictures off of the wall in Charlie's room
and he decorated. All his idea. He hung tools on the wall
from his toy tool bench.

He mixed paint to make purple and painted
purple polka dots with a potato.
My idea, but he loved it.

We baked a cake, Charlie and Marshall went to the grocery store.
They bought lots of fruit and spent the afternoon making various
fruit juices. As Charlie would say, "lots of flavors."
The ideas he gets from Curious George keep us busy.

We tried to take them to the movie, but Charlie was not interested.
The good thing is that they never turned the tv on all day.
We offered, but they weren't interested.

On Sunday, we went to Marshall's company picnic at Saluda Shoals Park in Columbia, SC. The kids had so much fun. Charlie loved the water feature. Hank liked the water feature, but he didn't enjoy the cold water. He was the driest kid in the water. He steered clear of all water, but still managed to play. The covered playground was a huge hit too. We all enjoyed a BBQ lunch.

We thought that they would be asleep before we got on the interstate, but an hour later they were still awake. We fed them again, played the quiet game several times, and finally, they were out.

1 comment:

  1. Love it! Looks like Charlie inherited his mother's & grandmother's eye for art & decorating!
