
Wednesday, March 31, 2010

A lovely day to paint outside!

Charlie, Kensington, and Hank had the most fun on Sunday. We kept thinking it was going to rain, but the rain held off for hours. They played outside and had the most fun.

Charlie asked, "Is it a lovely day to paint outside?"
He loves to paint outside on paper and rocks.

Kensington was right in her element.

Hank dabbled in the paint for a few moments at the time.

He'd rather get in the van and watch Thomas the Train.

Kensington's masterpiece with a little collaboration with Auntie Erin.

On Monday, Charlie, Kensington, and Hank all went to school together.
After school, Kensington and Charlie went to gymnastics. It was "P" day
at gymnastics. They wore their pajamas and took popcorn and pretzels for snack.

Kensington had very girly pajamas that her mommy sent, but
she wanted to be Bat Girl.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Oh, NO . . . it finally happened

They discovered Chuckie Cheese . . .

Hank's favorite activity!
Half the time the balls ended up on someone else's lane.

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The Rodeo

Charlie and Porter had so much fun at the rodeo. Their favorite part was running up and down the hill, building haystacks to jump over, and watching the animals.

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Friday, March 12, 2010

Art with Friends

Last Thursday, we had a lot of fun when Charlie's friends came to play. Hank wanted to play too, but he was so tired that he had to go to sleep.

Everyone enjoyed running to find rocks
to keep their papers from blowing away.

Carter liked blue paint.

Trey really liked green paint.

Harper liked all colors!

Charlie liked to add one color at a time.
Yes, the rocks did get painted too!

Harper and Charlie played all afternoon.
They came inside to lace beads, paint some more,
do stickers, watch "Curious George," and have a snack.

What a great day!
We all slept well Thursday night.

Charlie and Hank got really sick Friday night. They both had another stomach virus and lots of congestion. We spent a lot of time in the house. Charlie enjoyed making robots, painting, watching movies, building hospitals, and much more. He would play a little while and lay down a little while. He made grand plans while he was laying still, and when he got up to get busy, he just didn't feel well enough to do everything he planned. Hank really wasn't in the mood for too much. He just wanted to be held.
Knock on wood, they seem to be back to their old selves today.
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